Buh-Bye Yelp

If you’re on Twitter, or I would guess, any social media platform, you’ve probably heard about Yelp’s new policy concerning racism. We can all understand, I believe, that a business treating anyone with disrespect because of their race or ethnicity is appalling and none of us would want to do business there. That’s our choice. But now, a business rating company wants to flag companies that have had an accusation of racism. I can;t wait for the fallout from this!

Here’s the notification they are going to flag comapines accused of racism with:

I think this may be a problem for Yelp. First, what’s the proof? A customer complaint? Think about this if, say, you’re on Twitter and post something that som people may find unsuitable to their taste. Yes, you may become mobbed. Of course, on Twitter, all you have to do is log off an back on in a few days becaise the mob has moved on to another victim, right Lee? But if you have a business and are rated by Yelp, that’s another story.

Someone might have a poor experience at a business. It happens all the time. I have, and I’ve complained when it has happened. It’s not that I want the person fired (I’ve never gone that far), I just want a correction made. I don’t want any coupons or free food (if at a restaurant), I just want to know that I wont experience whatever behavior I’ve been subjected to again. I wont be marching up and down the sidewalk with a sign proclaiming anything about the business. Here’s how I operate: I just don’t shop there anymore and, of course, I mention my experience to my friends as well.

I see what Yelp has done here as encouraging plenty of businesses to file lawsuits when they’ve been falsely accused of racism. How did anyone at Yelp think this was a good idea? It is virtue signaling at it’s finest. Did their lawyers think this was a smart move? They do say that the report must be a first-hand experience but do they rea;;y believe that, because anyone may post on the site, that even ig they “investigate” the charge, that it will somehow be validated? Do they not recall the numerous false accusations posted on Twitter of servers showing tickets with scribbled insults? Those took off and shamed the customer and of course were later determined to be false. Think about what a similar charge would do to a business. Hasm’t Yelp already been through this with people making up experiences? Of course, then, it was the person that was held accountable. Mow it’s going to be Yelp itself. I can’t see this as being anything other than a bad idea. I think they could probably find something else to virtue signal about if they’re that concerned.

I can’t help but sit with a bowl of popcorn and watch what occurs after the first accusation is made.

3 thoughts on “Buh-Bye Yelp

  1. I’m not really familiar with Yelp, but isn’t this sort of thing is already built into their model? What is to stop customers (or anyone else) from giving a business a bad review because they’ve decided someone was racist? Couldn’t they even write a review claiming to have been treated poorly because of racism. This will certainly make it more visible and probably invite more of it, but I suspect some of this has been going on for some time already.


    • Exactly the point I was attempting to make. The problem I see for Yelp is their acceding to the charge by placing a notice on the business. I see this as a way for Yelp to be sued. I know in the past, there have been people that gave a business a poor review and the business sued the commenter. Now Yelp itself is inserting into the process. I believe that will cause them no end of misery. I can’t believe their lawyers thought this was a good idea.


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