Is it Trump Nation Now?

I didn’t blog yesterday. Everyone needs a day off, right? Well, that’s really not the reason. I couldn’t think of any more dumb stuff to say about anything. The news, overall, is depressing, and after a while, I think we all need to just walk away from it for a while to regain our sense of proportion and sanity, So, I did something I very rarely do on the weekend: I watched the news.

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Friday Night Ain’t What it Used to Be

Another Friday evening and what’s to do? I could go out to a bar or club (do those still exist?) maybe a movie I’ll end up walking out of because it’s awful. So many choices.When I was younger, therewas always a group that would meet at one place or another after wor some adult beversges and, of course food. As usual though, the beverages ended up outpacing the fare and instead of being smart and tsking a cab home, we’d all drive, mostly alone, t oue various home for the evening.

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Biden Believes Voters are Stupid: The Economy is Good

In a recent interview, President Joe Bide claimed that when he came into office, inflation was at 9%. Huh? The interviewer, some CNN person that probably lost her job after, challenged him on that fact. Indeed, inflation was only 1.4% the day Joe was sworn into office. It was not long after that, when he began his successful legislative run (Yes, the White House is proud of all of this…stuff) and continues to double down on his claim that the economy is better than ever.

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Desperate Democrats

So another day of all-day-Trump on the cable news channels. I wonder what Mr. Trump thinks of all the air he;sreceiving which must translate somehow to his campaign because he seems to be more popular than ever. It’s like 2016 all over again. He doesn’t have to do rallies (but he still does),he’s getting what constitutes gigantic campaign contributions from those same channels.

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Whistling Past the Graveyard

A friend was complaing today about the condition of health care in this country. Seriously? I thought as I recalled how happy this persn was when “ObamaCare” was signed into law. This was going to end expensive health care and ensure that everyone that wants healthcare, receives it. Of course none of the promises made were true as the public quickly discovered after the three year delay in rolling out the program proved to be too much for the bureaucrats that would have trouble walking and chewing gum simultaneously.

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