Politics Before Science

So what’s all the noise lately about the Wuhan virus not being/being a lab leak of some sort? I mean, seriously, what is it about Wuhan virus and the additional information that there is a research lab in the same city, makes anyone even doubt the possibility that there was, at minimum, an accidental leak that eventually caused a worldwide panic and not only killed 3.5 million people but crippled every major economy on the planet?

I never doubted the possibiity even when our own scientists were telling us otherwise. I mean, think about it like connecting the dots: Virus begins in the same location as a level 4 virus research lab, virus initially spreads in Wuhan. City virtually locked down by government to contain virus but still allowed international travel (?).Virus appears in Europe first, then North America, notably, New York City. Virus suddenly, because of China’s good governance, contained and extinguished in Wuhan (a population of 10 million) while the remainder of the world continue to suffer.

And yet top scientists within the US government and without claimed the opposite were true: It was transmitted by animal to human. Of course we’re now hearing from these same people, well, maybe we were wrong. Why is that suddenly so? Because Trump is not president. No, I’m not kidding. Read this. A political consideration, with a sprinkle of hubris, while the world burned. Is it now apparent why so many people who’ve trusted in science their entire lives now look askance at the same? Of course it is in the same way that a possible treatment, hydroxychloroquine was dismissed for the same reason even though there were eminent epidemiologists and virologists from around the world that claimed that it was a valid treatment. Now, due to recent studies, we know that it is and could’ve said many lives if it had been allowed to be prescribed to patients.

Simply because some in the scientific community didn’t care for the person behind the lectern, possibly many more people died from COVID than should have and the investigation into the possibility of an accidental leak from a lab, even purposeful leak, has been delayed and with Biden now as president, we’ll actually never know.

7 thoughts on “Politics Before Science

  1. Hey, Con Skeptic. This sentence:

    I mean, seriously, what is it about Wuhan virus and the additional information that there is a research lab in the same city, makes anyone even doubt the possibility that there was, at minimum, an accidental leak that eventually caused a worldwide panic and not only killed 3.5 million people but crippled every major economy on the planet?

    This is not scepticism. This is jumping to conclusions without evidence.

    I would be very interested in knowing if the virus originated in a lab, or naturally in a wet market. It’s important to help prevent another pandemic. But let’s follow the evidence, not coincidence and conspiracy theory.


  2. Scientists that were more political than scientific actually kept their “lab-leak” opinions to themselves…because they hated Trump and wanted to hurt him.

    Of the thousands of animals that were tested in the wet markets of Wuhan, none tested positive for the virus.

    The suspicious circumstances surrounding the whole mess in Wuhan were all present but were just denied because the CCP owns the souls of too many global players.

    Absolutely sickening. There is a full timeline at the Center for Security Policy, which was following this very, very early on and posited that the theft from a Canadian lab of corona viruses by Chinese scientists was linked directly to the Wuhan lab and what was going on there. This virus was “intelligently designed” and let loose on the world either by accident (too soon) or by plan. I never had a doubt about the intentions of the CCP using the virus to weaken the rest of the world by sickening the people, destroying the economies and overwhelming the health services, plus using up time and resources that might have been used instead for frigates, subs and destroyers.

    You are right, we are in deep manure with the Obama/Biden/Harris administration and it is playing out much quicker than the Left ever dreamed. Stopping the agenda is of paramount importance, but there are so many who are not awake or aware. Still…give Obama time and he will ruin everybody’s lives before the 2022 election. Maybe change will be the desperate cry of a suddenly aware populace and we will rid ourselves of the most Marxist Left in Congress or at least minimize their effort.

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