Lack of Understanding Results in Lack of Resolve

When all else fails retreat. Whoever said that was never successful in life, at any endeavor. Take the recent mob actions on various college campuses. The little success at, say, Columbia, was due to the lack of courage of the administration to take direct action in the beginning. Their lack of decisiveness could have been tragic for both the police and the mob, and only encouraged more resistance from those that had grown up not being refused anything.

Some agitators at Columbia managed to take over a building and ten had the temerity to ask that they be provided with food and water. What’s next, bathroom breaks? Did they realize they might be charged with felonies at some point and to make matters even worse, be expelled from the institution. Oh, nd the food and water demand? No, no bologna sandwiches or even pizza: They wanted their meals catered. Seriously.

Did they not consult with their Hamas representatives before taking over the building? Did they not realize that they may face arrest or even worse? Hungry tum-tums may not have been the only discomfort realized. They even tore down an American flag, and replaced it with, yep, the Hamas terrorist flag.

There are no innocents in Gaza, with the exception of the children, that are unaware of what is actually happening to them and their families, and why. When you start a war, be prepared to finish it and not hope that International Pressure will save you from the consequences you can’t really blame on anyone else.

What’s occurring in Gaza in not genocide, please look up the word before using it. The Gaza conflict is the State of Israel telling Hamas in no uncertain terms: No more.

I wonder how any of these in the mob would’ve reacted had members of their family been raped, mutilated, burned alive, cooked in a microwave: you get it.

Do they? Let’s deport a few to Gaza and the West Bank.

3 thoughts on “Lack of Understanding Results in Lack of Resolve

  1. The comment “When all else fails retreat” is a good one. It’s in line with “He who fights and walks away, lives to fight another day”,

    Back to Gaza: Hamas did not start this war on October 7, Israel did in 1948, they have been encroaching on Palestinian lands ever since, despite it’s illegality.

    The IDF’s presence in the West bank is also illegal in the eyes of most countries and the UN.

    It will be interesting to see how this all plays out after the American elections are over?


    • I would caution you to read history. the UN agreed to the partition of Palestine in 1947, creating the State of Israel and a seperate state for the Arab inhabitants of “Palestine”. The surrounding Arab countries would not accept this and thus, May 14, 1948, 5 countries invaded Israel.


      • Jim, countries only take heed of the UN when it suite’s them and Israel takes less notice of the UN than anyone. Middle Eastern countries weren’t attacking Israel, they were defending their own territory.
        The partitioning of the British mandate required the agreement of both sides, the Arab world rejected it, so it’s invalide.


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