I’ll Show You Mine, if…

Do I have a target on my forehead? I am always coming into contact with people that want to relay the truth about something or other to me. Not the truth, but that person’s version of truth. What they refer to as my truth. What the heck does that even mean? Is it possible for every person to have their own truth about any and everything? What happens when that “truth” is shown to be nothing more than wishful thinking built upon faulty facts?

You’ve heard the adage, You can have your own opinion, but not your own facts. There’s truth in a bottle, right there in front of you. Our opinions though, are formed from facts, aren’t they? From facts gleaned of trusted sources whether those be close relatives or friends, a newspaper, a radio talk show host, or even the mass media we know as cable news.

I am sometimes in amazement concerning what I’m reading, listening to, or watching. Do these people really believe what they are writing or talking abut? Do they even know they often contradict one another without the simplist explanation as to why? Is it possible that these people are just reading a script on a teleprompter(on TV) or received prepared notes to be able to write or speak the drivel i so often read and hear? Is the money that good that you turn off your brain and just recite what you’re told to recite on a daily basis?

Does life begin at conception? No one really knows, not even science is able to answer that with any certainty. /this question has more to do with belief, faith, than any factual information of which there is none. What about the “six week heartbeat” as proof of life? /heartbeat is an autonomic function. Consider this: A friend or relative is in a vegetative state in a hospital, no known brain activity, but his autonomic functions (heart, respiration) continue. Is that person alive as we define life?.

How about a less (I hope) controversial example. We all agree that gravity exists, right? Right? I mean, we use and abuse gravity dailt in everything we do or want to do. But this thing, gravity, seems to be some eponymous thing that is just there that, well, cannot be defined. And yet it is and it exists in every atom of our body. It is this: Force (gravity) equals the mass of an object multiplied by the square of the speed of light. Of, more simply: F=mg(2).There’s no argument there. Or is there? Are there people attempting to disprove the Theory of Gravity? There are people that still study gravity. Not because they’re trying to discover why apples fsll from trees (Newton mythology), but how it affects the universe and in reverse order, how the universe affects us, on our tiny speck of dust hurtling through timelessness.

No, what people argue about, are those truths that they have decided must be true for the reasons stted above: family, friends, belief, faith. and it divides even further into political camps where we have different sides cherry-picking those “facts” most favorable to their specific narrative. What’s a regular guy to do?

The problem is that governmental policy is set and laws are passed on what could very well be fairy tales. Being a progressive or a conservative doesn’t make you automatically right, when you haven’t looked at the “facts” you present as truth. Just because a fact offends you doesn’t make it false and vice versa. Objective truth is just that: there is no emotional baggage attached to influence the meaning or interpretation. Dance around the fire pit all you want, weather doesn’t change on the whim of some god(s) and climate change has been occurring since the beginning of this planet. Nothing we do will affect any of it one way or the other. Remember in the late 1990’s, doom and gloom was forecast for humanity by the early twenty first century. We’re still here. Only Al Gore believes we’re all dead right nowWas there any truth in what he proclimed back then and later prophets took on the mantle for? Sure. But the facts were cherry-picked and sown together as whole cloth. Governments bought that cloth by the ream and some in Europme are beginning to pat the price for the false prophecies of the recent past.

When you want to make a stand, mak sure both feet fit on the pedistal you have raised to yourself.

One thought on “I’ll Show You Mine, if…

  1. Jim, the problem lies with the “trusted sources”, different people have different sources of information and they are not all trustworthy.


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