When Did News Become Speculation?

I am loathe to discuss this latest Trump “gotcha” by the GOJ, mostly because it seems it’s just another attack pn the guy because he’s considering running for president again. This story, though, highlights what I really want to focus upon and that is the reaction from the press when one of these big stories drops in their lap.

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Just the News, Please

It’s becoming more difficult to read the news. Listening to it is almost impossible already simply because most of what is proffered as news, isn’t. It’s opinion. The same thing has happened to print media and therefore we have seen, more in recent times that in the past, the slow death of what used to be called newsrooms for newspapers and magazines. Of course, mosr, if not all have moved some if not all of their content online, since that’s where most people spend their time but then the products are the same as before. Changing the format to electronic hasn’t seemed to help a great deal on the bottom line and we hear often about various news organizations performing layoffs simply becuse they cannot sustain a readership.

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Is Big Tech Attempting to Influence This Election?

Congress add an exemption to the Communications Decency Act of 1996 for “Big Tech” companies that as long as they acted only as a platform, and not a publisher (like a newspaper or a news network) then they would be exempt from being held responsible for anything that appeared on their platform meaning, they couldn’t be sued for something an individual posted. How times have changed. Now it seems that these platforms, including Facebook and Twitter have all but admitted they are in fact publishers because they decide what information, by a user, may or may not be dissemenated on their platforms.

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The Week in Non-News


So there were 2 stories in the media this week that seemed to get the left and the media (wait! those are the same aren’t they?) in a bit of a tizzy. I found both to be rather silly myself but hey, it must have been a slow news week. I mean, there really is nothing else going on around the country or the world that might be more important, is there?

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None of the News, None of the Time

newsWith the exception of local, I rarely watch the news anymore. In fact, it’s been this way since the 2016 election that I’ve rarely tuned into any of the cable news channels. It actually started before then, when I discovered that most of the cable channels viewed our previous President as The Second Coming. Sickening sycophants . Not much has changed.

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