Those Proud Antisemites

There was a time, not long ago actually, being painted with the brush of racism or antisemitism, was enough to not only destroy a person in any social context but could well ruin someone’s career. These were monikers not to want attached to oneself. Over time, though, the slap of racism became do common that it lost any meaning that it once had and in fact became more of a joke to those who were accused. For some, it was a badge of honor for real racists to accuse others of their own ignominious behavior. The brush of antisemitism has been different. Until now.

Although mostly in the shadows, antisemitism, at least in the United States is on the rise. It has been tracked, mostly in larger cities (like New York) for several years now to the extent that had not been seen since the end of Nazi Germany in 1945. Still, even though a troubling state of affairs, it’s nothing compared to what we’ve all been witnessing lately, mostly coming from some of our elite colleges and universities. Aren’t these places of higher education supposed to be the very ideal of tolerance? Yes, that was a joke.

Just to set the record straight, it was the Romans that executed Jesus, not the Jews. Since the early days of Christianity, those of the Jewish faith have been blamed for not only being Christ killers, but for every malady that occurred in the west.

Now these same Jews are being accused of genocide because of Israel’s action in the Gaza Strip. These swam Hamas supporters had no issue. apparently, with terrorists slaughtering more than 1200 innocent Israelis and then kidnapping more than 200 to be held as hostages, for what they had to know would be some response from Israel. They got more than they wished for and by the way: The “Palestinian” people still overwhelmingly support Hamas (more than 70%). Death to Israel! Death to America! are now the chants of a deluded youth. Deluded by a privileged life, that’s never experienced any hardship or deprivation. A youth so easily led by those that would not only harm Jews (Death to the Jews! is also shouted) but harm anyone not supporting their cause.

Do these supporters of terrorists not realize that by calling for Israel’s destruction that they are calling for the same thing they are supposed to be protesting (genocide)?

6 thoughts on “Those Proud Antisemites

  1. Most of the animosity is towards Israel and is not antisemitism, the jewish faith is not on trial, the actions of the Israeli government is.
    I am not happy with the actions of Hamas, but I don’t dislike or hate Muslims, putting name tags on people is just a copout and shows a lack thought and understanding.


      • Jim, I don’t doubt that some protestors shouted”Kill all Jews”, but that doesn’t mean that, that was the felling or aim of the protest.
        Much of the world is opposed to what is taking place in Gaza, are you suggesting they are all Jew haters?


      • If I may, let me answer your question with a question/scenario. If you were at a protest about water rights and people in the crowd began shouting “Kill all landowners!”, would you still take part or leave? I’m hearing chants of “F**k Jews”, “Kill all Jews!”, and not from just a few. Many, if not most. so yes, I’m not suggesting but outright accusing the majority in these protests as antisemetic.


      • Jim, thank you for asking the question: I haven’t marched in the streets since the Vietnam war and times obviously change. My memory tells me I would have had no idea what many in the crowd would have been chanting.

        But to remake my point, I doubt most of the crowd were anti Jew, most would have been anti Israel and I like many others, am not happy with the Gazan situation.


      • I would hope that what you say is true, but I have my doubts as antisemitism has been on the rise here for a few years now. I, too am a child of Vietnam protests. It was in a huge one at the University of Texas in 1971. I actual made ABC Nightly News that evening! Thank goodness my Dad did not watch ABC News Had there been any intimidating or “hate” speech? I would’ve left the protest immediately. Too many friends of mine died in Vietnam.


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